
I would like to pass values of 4 fields in to new XPages with ClientSide JavaScript

Find below what i tried so far, I cannot put values into field in the new XPages :(

//Client Side JS pass values to the new window

var cFld = document.getElementById("#{id:fieldNameID}").innerHTML ;
myUrl = "http://serveradres/applicationame.nsf/xspFrmTest.xsp?action=newDocument";
var zWindow = window.open(myUrl, '_blank');
var zDoc = zWindow.document;
zDoc.getElementById("#{id:fieldNameID2}").value = "TEST VALUE";

UPDATE 1: the new page i would like to open is in the another application. So i cannot carry any values with any type of scopes (Application, session, etc...) thinking about sample below. From xspfrmtest.xsp to xspfrmtest2.xsp

  1. Application1.nsf -> xspfrmtest.xsp
  2. Application2.nsf -> xspfrmtest2.xsp
Why not add these field values to the SessionScope and read the these values from the SessionScope in the new XPagesFrank van der Linden
Why is there a space after zWindow - "var zDoc = zWindow .document; zDoc.document.getElementById("#{id:fieldNameID2}").value = "TEST VALUE";" AND why are you calling .document twice?pipalia
Keep in mind that referencing with "#{id:fieldname}" only works for components/fields on the current XPage. I would use the approach of @FrankvanderLinden (see comment above), but if you want to exclusively use client-side JavaScript you would have to write something like this: zWindow.document.querySelector('[id$=":fieldname"]').value="TEST VALUE";xpages-noob
@pipalia This is just a copy paste mistake. In my page the code is correct.Cumhur Ata
PS: You could also provide the field values as url parameters (for example ...&field1=value1) and set the computed value of the target component to #{param.field1}.xpages-noob

1 Answers


This is an example for transferring (large) field values between XPages of different Domino databases on client side:

Database One.nsf with XPage One.xsp:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        value="Open Two.xsp in Two.nsf"
                window.open("http://server1/Two.nsf/Two.xsp", '_blank');

Database Two.nsf with XPage Two.xsp:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core">
            var fieldOne = window.opener.document.querySelector('[id$=":fieldOne"]');
            if (fieldOne) {
                window.document.getElementById("#{id:fieldTwo}").value = fieldOne.value;

The second XPage uses window.opener onClientLoad to get a handle to first XPage's window and reads field values from there then.