I wrote a wrapper component that can be reused for this purpose that builds on the accepted answers here. If all you need to do is pass a string however, then just add a data-attribute and read it from e.target.dataset (like some others have suggested). By default my wrapper will bind to any prop that is a function and starts with 'on' and automatically pass the data prop back to the caller after all the other event arguments. Although I haven't tested it for performance, it will give you the opportunity to avoid creating the class yourself, and it can be used like this:
const DataButton = withData('button')
const DataInput = withData('input');
or for Components and functions
const DataInput = withData(SomeComponent);
or if you prefer
const DataButton = withData(<button/>)
declare that Outside your container (near your imports)
Here is usage in a container:
import withData from './withData';
const DataInput = withData('input');
export default class Container extends Component {
state = {
data: [
// ...
handleItemChange = (e, data) => {
// here the data is available
// ....
render () {
return (
this.state.data.map((item, index) => (
<div key={index}>
<DataInput data={item} onChange={this.handleItemChange} value={item.value}/>
Here is the wrapper code 'withData.js:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
const defaultOptions = {
events: undefined,
export default (Target, options) => {
Target = React.isValidElement(Target) ? Target.type : Target;
options = { ...defaultOptions, ...options }
class WithData extends Component {
constructor(props, context){
super(props, context);
this.handlers = getHandlers(options.events, this);
render() {
const { data, children, ...props } = this.props;
return <Target {...props} {...this.handlers} >{children}</Target>;
static displayName = `withData(${Target.displayName || Target.name || 'Component'})`
return WithData;
function getHandlers(events, thisContext) {
events = Object.keys(thisContext.props).filter(prop => prop.startsWith('on') && typeof thisContext.props[prop] === 'function')
else if (typeof events === 'string')
events = [events];
return events.reduce((result, eventType) => {
result[eventType] = (...args) => thisContext.props[eventType](...args, thisContext.props.data);
return result;
}, {});