
I updated the Google Play Services version from the revision 29 to 30 using the Android SDK Manager, but after updating the directory "<sdk>/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject" disappeared, leaving only the directories "docs" and " samples".

I've tried uninstall and reinstall several times but always happens to miss the directory "libproject".

Anyone had this problem with the update?

I'm using Debian Linux 8.4 (jessie) although not believe it has anything to do with the problem.

Android SDK Manager screen

google_play_services directory screen

before rev 30 arrive i using rev 29 in many games and works fine, but when rev 30 arrive rev 29 not working, then i updated to rev 30 now ads working again, seems rev 29 and bellow doesn't work anymore, im using unity3d by the wayYogi
@Yogi. When I do this I get a No Resource Found error on these two: '@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.DialogWhenLarge.NoActionBar' and '@android:style/Theme.Material.Light.DialogWhenLarge.NoActionBar'. How did you overcome this issue?Andrew S

5 Answers


Looks like Google just broke down Google Play Services into multiple libraries. You'll find them in <sdk>/extras/google/m2repository/com/google/android/gms, if you also updated Google Repository through the SDK Manager.

The individual libraries are in aar format, so you'll have to extract the jar yourself, if that's what you're after.


I am working on a legacy project in Eclipse and I fixed the problem a slightly different way than the others. For me using the project from Google Play Services revision 29, had all sorts of dependency problems which I could not resolve. For example it wanted the compatibility library v4 so I imported it but even then it could not find some required resources.

However, I was able to use Revision 28 without such issues and set the minimum version of my app to be ICS. Below is a link to version 28. Download it, unzip it and extract the libproject folder to where it would normally have been prior to removal.

Import the project in Eclipse (ensure copy files is selected) the usual way and all will be fine.



For now I downgraded back to revision 29 (and worked well) using the version history available on this site: http://www.smorgasbork.com/2015/01/05/google-play-services-sdk-version-history

I believe it is possible that this is the new format that Google will provide the libs (in .aar files) up because of the description of the update:

enter image description here

The revision number 29 says "client library and sample code" and the revision number 30 says "javadocs and and sample code".


The m2repository folder contains aar files used for android studio. If you look at the samples folder and open some of the sample apps project.properties file you will see that the sample apps still reference the google-play-services_lib. This is for sure to be fixed by google, I saw also people complaining about display ads problem, so maybe they will come back with an update quite soon.


I posted a question about this in the Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers forum. Summarizing the steps in the answer (from Veer Busani, Mobile Ads SDK Team):

  • Make a new project and import the Mobile Ads Unity package.
  • Copy our demo script, make a new empty GameObject and add the script as the component.
  • Right click on Assets > PlayServicesResolver folder and select Google Play Services > Resolve Client Jars.
  • There is a known issue with GMS revision 30 in Unity. To build for Android, you would need to select Assets > Plugins > Android > firebase-common-9.0.0.aar file and in the Unity Inspector, deselect Android under the Platform for Plugins sections.
  • Finally, edit the Bundle Identifier in your Player Settings and deploy your awesome project to your Android device.

This worked.