I have started a small website with a few pages and a couple of blog posts. It is hosted on my organization's server and I ftp'ed all contents of _site/ directory into a subdirectory of the website. Hence the Jekyll site is at http:// myusername.foobar.foo/thiswebsite/ .
In my _config.yml
baseurl: "/thiswebsite"
url: "http:// myusername.foobar.foo"
Now all pages show up correctly. But blog posts don't.
In YAML front matter of each blog post:
permalink: /:title.html
Then I ended up generating links on index.html page to blog posts at http:// myusername.foobar.bar/blog-title.html but the actual blog posts are found at http:// myusername.foobar.bar/thiswebsite/blog-title.html. So if people click on the links found on index.html they will see 404.
On index.html I have:
{% for post in site.posts %}
<h2><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h2>
{{ post.excerpt }}
{% endfor %}
I would have thought {{ post.url }}
would automatically insert correct URL for the posts, but apparently that's not happening. :(
Where did I screw up?
(Jekyll version 3.1.2)
Note: blank space after http:// is intentional as StackExchange thinks I'm posting links and that's apparently not allowed. In my actual markdown and html they are proper URLs.
when setting a baseurl in your config – michaPau