I'm building a very simple website with a blog in Jekyll. The blog lives in a different template (blog.html) and the site lives in a default template (index.html). I'm trying to add excerpts of the posts in the main page (default index.html) linking to the blog but I'm getting broken URLs.
name: Patterns - Target Creative
markdown: redcarpet
pygments: true
baseurl: /patterns
url: http://localhost/patterns/
And this is how I'm inserting excerpts of the post in the main page:
{% for post in site.posts %}
<a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
{{ post.excerpt }}
{% endfor %}
Excerpts appear on the main page but links are broken. What do I need to do to have the variable {{ post.url }} link correctly.
The link being populated: http://localhost:4000/jekyll/update/2014/02/04/Live-Shape-Tool-in-Photoshop-CC.html