
Hi guys I plan on having a layout that looks like this:


This is my first Ember app and I'm mainly curious when I should take advantage of th sub views with {{outlet}}

My question is, should I make the navbar and the entire chat view on one page

Or should I make the navbar and then have a sub view {{outlet}} which will be the chat window.

When I click different chat links I don't want the page to refresh I just want the chat window to reload with the chat from the active chat.

This will be my first Ember project and I'm just wondering which way I should lay it out, I read through the Guide which was very helpful but like I said I don't know if I should make the Navbar/Chat on one template or if I should make the navbar and then outlet the chat screen. Any information would be great thanks


1 Answers


As it's your first Ember app, it's sortoff like cheating to get us to help you with this. ;P But nevertheless, I think a small demo and some pointers won't hurt.

So think about your app like this, will people want to share chatrooms via a link or just bookmark them and easily fall back in ? If you answer yes, then you should create a route the corresponds to your use case, in this case, you're app will need a router that looks something like this:

// router.js
Router.map(function() {

your corresponding route templates

// templates/chatrooms.hbs
<div class='flex-container'>
  <div class='flex-sidebar'>
    {{#each model as |chatroom|}}
        {{#link-to 'chatrooms.room' chatroom}}
  <div class='flex-content'>

// templates/chatrooms/room.hbs
  {{#each model.posts as |post|}}
{{input value=newMessage placeholder='Type new message here'}}

You can have a look at a working example here.

And as your app gets more complex, you can start to componentize some pieces of it, for instance, you could create a component for typing new messages, and a navbar component that contains your user's authentication state. You'll also likely need services that contain this state, which you can then inject into the components.