I want to use template driven forms in Angular 2 and I need to access the current ngForm in my directive, as local property and I don't want to pass them as parameter.
my form looks like this:
<form #frm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="save(frm)">
<input [(ngModel)]="user.name" #name="ngForm" type="text">
<a (click)="showFrm()" class="btn btn-default">Show Frm</a>
and in my component
selector: 'addUser',
templateUrl: `Templates/AddUser`,
export class AddUserComponent implements CanDeactivate {
public user: User;
// how can I use this without defining the whole form
// in my component I only want to use ngModel
public frm : ngForm | ControlGroup;
public showFrm() : void{
//logs undefined on the console
Is this possible, because I need to check if the myFrm ist valide or was touched in a function where I can't pass the current form as parameter e.g. "routerCanDeactivate" and I don't want to use model driven forms its way too much to write in code and I love the old school ng1 model binding.
I've updated my Example and the frm is not known in the component.
be placed within the form as a child element? ` <form #frm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="save(frm)"> ... <add-user-component..></add-user-component..> </form> ` – Felix