I am working on a kendo Grid, on its databound event, I have called a function to check whether value in each of the row's second block is greater than first block. If true then I change color of texts inside by adding a class. But, the problem is the added class gets away finally when I see on browser. If there are two rows with error the first row that I am editing doesn't hold the class but the later ones holds that well.
dataBound: configureGridProperties,
Code for dataBound is
function configureGridProperties(e) {
try {
if (true) {
$('#grid .k-grid-content tr[role=row]').each(function (i) {
var sh = $(this).find('.sh').text();
var sm = $(this).find('.sm').text()
var eh = $(this).find('.eh').text()
var em = $(this).find('.em').text()
var startMin = parseInt(sh) * 60 + parseInt(sm);
var endMin = parseInt(eh) * 60 + parseInt(em);
if (startMin > endMin) {
showOutputExplicitly('Start time cannot be less than end time');
$(this).find('.sh, .sm,.eh,.em').addClass('timeError');
errorInTime = false;
else {
$(this).find('.sh, .sm,.eh,.em').removeClass('timeError');
if (!$('.timeError').length > 0) {
errorInTime = true;
return false;
} catch (e) {
pic for the situation . >
The second row that I just edited(start time 23) doesn't hold the colorChange class, but earlier ones hold that. Is there any other event that occurs after dataBound event?
dataBound: function() { setTimeout(configureGridProperties, 1); }
– DontVoteMeDown