
Is there a way to trigger an event after grid has been reloaded via ajax?

i see the RequestEnd event. but that seems to happen when the request returned, but before the grid has been refreshed.

i also see DataBound event. but that happens even earlier than RequestEnd,
also when i implement DataBound event, my header disappears..

i had to resort to this hack

function requestEnd(o) {
    console.debug('request ended.', o);
    setTimeout(refreshEditable, 500); // enough time to render the grid
function refreshEditable() {
    // perform my actions on controls within grid content

as a side note.. I am having a very hard time finding a reliable kendo grid mvc API reference. when i google for it, i get this: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/getting-started/using-kendo-with/aspnet-mvc/migration/widgets/grid which is a collection of little how-to and some "Events" but those don't correspond to what I am seeing in razor intelisense.

update: adding databound definition

        dataBound: function(e) {
            console.debug('data bound..');

and here's grid ajax definition

   .Ajax().Read(read => read
        .Action("FilesRead", "SomeController")

 function readData() {
    return {
        IncludeChildren: $("#IncludeChildren").is(':checked'),
        SearchString: $('input[id=SearchString]').val()

i can see that DataBound is triggered while making the ajax call, not after it comes back.


corrected the DataBound event hook.

in dataBound function, i'm trying to get a reference to newly rendered templates..

function dataBound(o) {
  console.debug($('span.editable').length);                    // returns 0 
  setTimeout("console.debug($('span.editable').length)", 500); // returns 4

the spans are added using a client template

.ClientTemplate(@"<span class=""editable"" ... >#=DOCUMENT_DATE_FORMATTED#</span>");

see what i mean? data bound happens before grid is rendered

the DataBound event is triggered after the DOM is updated; if you're not getting the result you expected, there is a problem with your code, so you should add thatLars Höppner
@LarsHöppner added that code.. let me know if more is needed.Sonic Soul
those span.editable elements are part of which template?Lars Höppner
they are in ClientTemplates for few columns.. made the latest code a bit more clear.. the fields do show up, just with some delay after DataBound.. so it's evident that this event happens before rendering of new rowsSonic Soul
also added the client template definition.. what i am looking for is a event that fires after the rows have been addedSonic Soul

3 Answers


See this sample code taken from the documentation (API docs on events are here) on how to bind an event handler using MVC wrappers:

      .Events(e => e
function grid_dataBound() {
    //Handle the dataBound event

function grid_change() {
    //Handle the change event

If you want to bind a handler in JavaScript, you need to access the grid like this:

var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
grid.bind("dataBound", function(e) {});

When you do this here:

    dataBound: function(e) {
        console.debug('data bound..');

you actually create a new grid instance.


you can use this way:

 transport: {
           read: {
           url: searchUrl,
           type: "POST",
           dataType: "json",
           data: additionalData,
           complete: function () {
              //code here :)

I have had situations where, (in a pinch), a MutationObserver may be deployed to "sense" when the grid has inserted rows into the DOM. In most cases, the grid's own dataBound event will suffice. However, when there's:

  • render-blocking JS, maybe on initial page load, and/or
  • slow connection/high latency, and/or
  • poorly constructed jumble of Kendo JS from server-side wrapper(s), mixed in with script blocks

Anyway, prior to rows being rendered the tbody tag buried within the grid will look like this:

                   <tr class="k-no-data">
                       <td colspan="9"></td>

and after the rows are rendered it will like:

 <tbody role="rowgroup">
    <tr data-uid="004c8970-ba7e-4e3c-ae54-2695c6cbdbe8" role="row" class="k-state-selected"
       <td role="gridcell">07/18/2004</td>
       <td role="gridcell">24</td>
       <td role="gridcell">1890</td>
       <td role="gridcell">0</td>
       <td role="gridcell">176</td>
       <td role="gridcell">0</td>
       <td role="gridcell">2439</td>
       <td role="gridcell">2500</td>
       <td role="gridcell"></td>
      .....more rows, then

so, something like:

    let observer = new MutationObserver(mCallback);
    function mCallback(mutations) {
        for (let mutation of mutations) {
            if (mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) {
    let observerOptions = { childList: true }
    let gridContent = document.querySelector("#dailyProdGrid div.k-grid-content tbody")
    observer.observe(gridContent, observerOptions);

will detect the change in DOM. In effect, this creates a "rowsRendered" grid event. I had a situation where there was a lot riding on rows being present for a chart demo; (see here). Programmatically, rows needed to be selected (based on a prescribed date range), then a window opened and filled with a logarithmic chart.