Will add more information to a great answer from @PeterCordes : https://stackoverflow.com/a/36951611/5021064.
I did the implementations of std::remove from C++ standard for integer types with it. The algorithm, once you can do compress, is relatively simple: load a register, compress, store. First I'm going to show the variations and then benchmarks.
I ended up with two meaningful variations on the proposed solution:
registers, any element type, using _mm_shuffle_epi8
registers, element type of at least 4 bytes, using _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32
When the types are smaller then 4 bytes for 256 bit register, I split them in two 128 bit registers and compress/store each one separately.
Link to compiler explorer where you can see complete assembly (there is a using type
and width
(in elements per pack) in the bottom, which you can plug in to get different variations) : https://gcc.godbolt.org/z/yQFR2t
NOTE: my code is in C++17 and is using a custom simd wrappers, so I do not know how readable it is. If you want to read my code -> most of it is behind the link in the top include on godbolt. Alternatively, all of the code is on github.
Implementations of @PeterCordes answer for both cases
Note: together with the mask, I also compute the number of elements remaining using popcount. Maybe there is a case where it's not needed, but I have not seen it yet.
Mask for _mm_shuffle_epi8
- Write an index for each byte into a half byte:
- Get pairs of indexes into 8 shorts packed into
- Spread them out using
x << 4 | x & 0x0f0f
Example of spreading the indexes. Let's say 7th and 6th elements are picked.
It means that the corresponding short would be: 0x00fe
. After << 4
and |
we'd get 0x0ffe
. And then we clear out the second f
Complete mask code:
// helper namespace
namespace _compress_mask {
// mmask - result of `_mm_movemask_epi8`,
// `uint16_t` - there are at most 16 bits with values for __m128i.
inline std::pair<__m128i, std::uint8_t> mask128(std::uint16_t mmask) {
const std::uint64_t mmask_expanded = _pdep_u64(mmask, 0x1111111111111111) * 0xf;
const std::uint8_t offset =
static_cast<std::uint8_t>(_mm_popcnt_u32(mmask)); // To compute how many elements were selected
const std::uint64_t compressed_idxes =
_pext_u64(0xfedcba9876543210, mmask_expanded); // Do the @PeterCordes answer
const __m128i as_lower_8byte = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(compressed_idxes); // 0...0|compressed_indexes
const __m128i as_16bit = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(as_lower_8byte); // From bytes to shorts over the whole register
const __m128i shift_by_4 = _mm_slli_epi16(as_16bit, 4); // x << 4
const __m128i combined = _mm_or_si128(shift_by_4, as_16bit); // | x
const __m128i filter = _mm_set1_epi16(0x0f0f); // 0x0f0f
const __m128i res = _mm_and_si128(combined, filter); // & 0x0f0f
return {res, offset};
} // namespace _compress_mask
template <typename T>
std::pair<__m128i, std::uint8_t> compress_mask_for_shuffle_epi8(std::uint32_t mmask) {
auto res = _compress_mask::mask128(mmask);
res.second /= sizeof(T); // bit count to element count
return res;
Mask for _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32
This is almost one for one @PeterCordes solution - the only difference is _pdep_u64
bit (he suggests this as a note).
The mask that I chose is 0x5555'5555'5555'5555
. The idea is - I have 32 bits of mmask, 4 bits for each of 8 integers. I have 64 bits that I want to get => I need to convert each bit of 32 bits into 2 => therefore 0101b = 5.The multiplier also changes from 0xff to 3 because I will get 0x55 for each integer, not 1.
Complete mask code:
// helper namespace
namespace _compress_mask {
// mmask - result of _mm256_movemask_epi8
inline std::pair<__m256i, std::uint8_t> mask256_epi32(std::uint32_t mmask) {
const std::uint64_t mmask_expanded = _pdep_u64(mmask, 0x5555'5555'5555'5555) * 3;
const std::uint8_t offset = static_cast<std::uint8_t(_mm_popcnt_u32(mmask)); // To compute how many elements were selected
const std::uint64_t compressed_idxes = _pext_u64(0x0706050403020100, mmask_expanded); // Do the @PeterCordes answer
// Every index was one byte => we need to make them into 4 bytes
const __m128i as_lower_8byte = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(compressed_idxes); // 0000|compressed indexes
const __m256i expanded = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi32(as_lower_8byte); // spread them out
return {expanded, offset};
} // namespace _compress_mask
template <typename T>
std::pair<__m256i, std::uint8_t> compress_mask_for_permutevar8x32(std::uint32_t mmask) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) >= 4); // You cannot permute shorts/chars with this.
auto res = _compress_mask::mask256_epi32(mmask);
res.second /= sizeof(T); // bit count to element count
return res;
Processor: Intel Core i7 9700K (a modern consumer level CPU, no AVX-512 support)
Compiler: clang, build from trunk near the version 10 release
Compiler options: --std=c++17 --stdlib=libc++ -g -Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -O3 -march=native -mllvm -align-all-functions=7
Micro-benchmarking library: google benchmark
Controlling for code alignment:
If you are not familiar with the concept, read this or watch this
All functions in the benchmark's binary are aligned to 128 byte boundary. Each benchmarking function is duplicated 64 times, with a different noop slide in the beginning of the function (before entering the loop). The main numbers I show is min per each measurement. I think this works since the algorithm is inlined. I'm also validated by the fact that I get very different results. At the very bottom of the answer I show the impact of code alignment.
Note: benchmarking code. BENCH_DECL_ATTRIBUTES is just noinline
Benchmark removes some percentage of 0s from an array. I test arrays with {0, 5, 20, 50, 80, 95, 100} percent of zeroes.
I test 3 sizes: 40 bytes (to see if this is usable for really small arrays), 1000 bytes and 10'000 bytes. I group by size because of SIMD depends on the size of the data and not a number of elements. The element count can be derived from an element size (1000 bytes is 1000 chars but 500 shorts and 250 ints). Since time it takes for non simd code depends mostly on the element count, the wins should be bigger for chars.
Plots: x - percentage of zeroes, y - time in nanoseconds. padding : min indicates that this is minimum among all alignments.
40 bytes worth of data, 40 chars
For 40 bytes this does not make sense even for chars - my implementation gets about 8-10 times slower when using 128 bit registers over non-simd code. So, for example, compiler should be careful doing this.
1000 bytes worth of data, 1000 chars
Apparently the non-simd version is dominated by branch prediction: when we get small amount of zeroes we get a smaller speed up: for no 0s - about 3 times, for 5% zeroes - about 5-6 times speed up. For when the branch predictor can't help the non-simd version - there is about a 27 times speed up. It's an interesting property of simd code that it's performance tends to be much less dependent on of data. Using 128 vs 256 register shows practically no difference, since most of the work is still split into 2 128 registers.
1000 bytes worth of data, 500 shorts
Similar results for shorts except with a much smaller gain - up to 2 times.
I don't know why shorts do that much better than chars for non-simd code: I'd expect shorts to be two times faster, since there are only 500 shorts, but the difference is actually up to 10 times.
1000 bytes worth of data, 250 ints
For a 1000 only 256 bit version makes sense - 20-30% win excluding no 0s to remove what's so ever (perfect branch prediction, no removing for non-simd code).
10'000 bytes worth of data, 10'000 chars
The same order of magnitude wins as as for a 1000 chars: from 2-6 times faster when branch predictor is helpful to 27 times when it's not.
Same plots, only simd versions:
Here we can see about a 10% win from using 256 bit registers and splitting them in 2 128 bit ones: about 10% faster. In size it grows from 88 to 129 instructions, which is not a lot, so might make sense depending on your use-case. For base-line - non-simd version is 79 instructions (as far as I know - these are smaller then SIMD ones though).
10'000 bytes worth of data, 5'000 shorts
From 20% to 9 times win, depending on the data distributions. Not showing the comparison between 256 and 128 bit registers - it's almost the same assembly as for chars and the same win for 256 bit one of about 10%.
10'000 bytes worth of data, 2'500 ints
Seems to make a lot of sense to use 256 bit registers, this version is about 2 times faster compared to 128 bit registers. When comparing with non-simd code - from a 20% win with a perfect branch prediction to 3.5 - 4 times as soon as it's not.
Conclusion: when you have a sufficient amount of data (at least 1000 bytes) this can be a very worthwhile optimisation for a modern processor without AVX-512
On percentage of elements to remove
On one hand it's uncommon to filter half of your elements. On the other hand a similar algorithm can be used in partition during sorting => that is actually expected to have ~50% branch selection.
Code alignment impact
The question is: how much worth it is, if the code happens to be poorly aligned
(generally speaking - there is very little one can do about it).
I'm only showing for 10'000 bytes.
The plots have two lines for min and for max for each percentage point (meaning - it's not one best/worst code alignment - it's the best code alignment for a given percentage).
Code alignment impact - non-simd
From 15-20% for poor branch prediction to 2-3 times when branch prediction helped a lot. (branch predictor is known to be affected by code alignment).
For some reason - the 0 percent is not affected at all. It can be explained by std::remove
first doing linear search to find the first element to remove. Apparently linear search for shorts is not affected.
Other then that - from 10% to 1.6-1.8 times worth
Same as for shorts - no 0s is not affected. As soon as we go into remove part it goes from 1.3 times to 5 times worth then the best case alignment.
Code alignment impact - simd versions
Not showing shorts and ints 128, since it's almost the same assembly as for chars
Chars - 128 bit register
About 1.2 times slower
Chars - 256 bit register
About 1.1 - 1.24 times slower
Ints - 256 bit register
1.25 - 1.35 times slower
We can see that for simd version of the algorithm, code alignment has significantly less impact compared to non-simd version. I suspect that this is due to practically not having branches.
instruction can't move data between the 128-bit vector lanes. You'd needvpermd
to do that, which would need a second lookup-table. – EOFVPSHUFB
, (scroll down to 'VEX.256 encoded version') does not operate on a 256-bit vector but instead operates on two separate 128-bit vectors in aYMM
is noteworthy. Another major inconsistency in the Intel ISA. – zx485