
I am using the Cobra Toolbox in MATLAB to perform a double gene knockout study and output for growth ratios is a 100 by 100 matrix called grRatioDble. I need to find the row and column index for elements of this matrix which are <0.001, excluding the rows which were essential on single gene knockout. I have a one-column matrix of the row indexes that I want to exclude. Is there an easy way to do this?

(NB: I cannot just remove the unwanted rows from the matrix as then row, column index changes for the remaining cells)

This resource is more about programming than science. If you need some help with the code provide it.Teivaz
My question is not really about the science, I just want to know how to extract the row and column indexes of those elements from a Matlab matrix.S. Lundregan
Actually yes, for several hours now. I could not find the answer I wanted, hence asking here... I didn't find the answer on that link either.S. Lundregan
Basically you are asking "How can I find the indexes of elements that are less than a value?" And this is described in the page I provided. If there is a problem with your specific task then provide the code you've tried and we'll try to figure out how to fix itTeivaz

1 Answers


This piece of code should do the work:

  1. Get all row/col indexes where grRatioDble<0.001:

    [row,col] = find(grRatioDble<0.001);
  2. Exclude unwanted rows (say the vector containing unwanted rows is rows2exclude):

    row = row(~ismember(row, rows2exclude));
    col = col(~ismember(row, rows2exclude));