Having run through configuration of both the Hadoop Big Insights and Apache Spark services on Bluemix, I noticed that Hadoop is very configurable.I have a choice of how many nodes there will be in the cluster and the RAM and CPU cores of those nodes as well as hard disk space
But the Spark service seems less configurable. The only choice I have is to choose between 2 and 30 Spark executors.
I am working with Bluemix as part of an IBM IC4 project to evaluate these services, so I have a few questions about this.
Is it possible to configure the Spark service in a similar way to the Hadoop service? i.e. choose nodes, RAM of nodes, CPU cores etc.
What are Spark executors in this context? Are they nodes? If so, what are their specifications?
Is there a plan to improve the options for Spark's configuration in the future?
Apologies for the questions but I need to know these specifications in order to carry out my work.