
I want to add a custom metric in Google Analytics throw Google Tag Manager inside the events Category.

1 - Create custom metric some days ago in the admin area

enter image description here

2 - Create the following tag in GTM

enter image description here

3 - Test values in preview mode

As you can see, metric with index 1 is set.

Event has being created in category called Categoria metrica

enter image description here

4 - Publish the changes

I've not forgotten to publish the changes. I've checked data is being sent:

enter image description here

5 - Metrics are missing in Events in Google Analytics

In Events, Categoria metrica is missing

Should I have to add some code?

I think this should work now with a constant value written directly in GTM...


1 Answers


Custom Metrics are not visible in your standard reports. You can only see them through Custom Reports. So create a new flat report with your event parameter (category, action, label) and then select your CM as the metric.