I'm writing a UWP app to track TV shows watched/purchased/streamed etc and am going absolutely crazy trying to get grid columns inside a DataTempate to stretch their width as it seems there is a bug in XAML which ignores the * width definition. I need the first column in the ListView (the show Title) to take up the remaining space (hence the column definition = "*") and while it will do that in the HeaderTemplate it absolutely refuses to do it inside the DataTemplate so the whole grid just ends up being all wonky and out of alignment as the Title column only uses the space it needs on each line.
My XAML is below - in the ItemTemplate DataTemplate template I am binding to an instance of an object called TVShow which is in an observable collection in my main view model. (I have not included the ViewModel or TVShow class definition here as I know this is a purely XAML issue).
The only thing that worked so far is having an extra property in my TVShow class that stores the correct width of the column (by subtracting the widths of the other three columns from the grid size (fetched in the view code behind) but this causes the whole list to reformat itself after initally displaying which looks ugly, not to mention awful programming.
So I'm looking for ideas on how to solve this - I could move the property for the correct column width in the main viewmodel but then how do I bind to that in the template given I am binding to "TVShow"? Or do I have to take the content out of the DataTemplate and put in a UserControl? I have wasted so much time on something that is so ridiculously simple - this bug seems to have been around since WPF so why haven't MS ever fixed this - very frustrating.
<HubSection Name="hsShows" Width="{Binding HubSectionWidth}" MinWidth="430" MaxWidth="640"
VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Background="{StaticResource Dark}" >
<TextBlock Text="Shows" TextLineBounds="TrimToBaseline" OpticalMarginAlignment="TrimSideBearings"
FontSize="24" Foreground="{StaticResource Light}"/>
<DataTemplate x:DataType="local:MainPage">
<ListView Name="lvwShows"
Width="{Binding HubSectionGridWidth}"
Foreground="{StaticResource Light}"
Background="{StaticResource Dark}"
ItemsSource="{Binding AllShows}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedTVShow, Mode=TwoWay}"
<Style TargetType="ListViewItem">
<Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Stretch" />
<Grid Width="{Binding HubSectionGridWidth}" Height="Auto" Background="DarkGreen" Margin="15,5,5,5" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="80"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="100"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="80"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Column="0" Text="Title" FontSize="16" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="{StaticResource Bright}"
VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
Tag="TITLE,ASC" Tapped="ShowsGridHeading_Tapped"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Column="1" Text="Seasons" FontSize="16" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="{StaticResource Bright}"
VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Tag="SEASONS,ASC" Tapped="ShowsGridHeading_Tapped"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Column="2" Text="Last Watched" FontSize="16" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="{StaticResource Bright}"
VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Center" TextAlignment="Center" TextWrapping="Wrap"
Tag="WATCHED,ASC" Tapped="ShowsGridHeading_Tapped"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Column="3" Text="Last Episode" FontSize="16" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="{StaticResource Bright}"
VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Center" TextAlignment="Center" TextWrapping="Wrap"
Tag="EPISODE,ASC" Tapped="ShowsGridHeading_Tapped"/>
<DataTemplate x:DataType="model:TVShow">
<Grid Height="Auto" MinWidth="410" MaxWidth="640" Background="Blue" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" RightTapped="ShowsList_RightTapped">
<MenuFlyout Placement="Bottom">
<MenuFlyoutItem x:Name="UpdateButton" Text="Update from TVMaze" Click="FlyoutUpdateButton_Click"/>
<MenuFlyoutItem x:Name="RefreshButton" Text="Refresh" Click="FlyoutRefreshButton_Click"/>
<MenuFlyoutItem x:Name="DeleteButton" Text="Delete Show" Click="FlyoutDeleteButton_Click"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="80"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="100"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="80"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Text="{x:Bind Title}" Foreground="{StaticResource Light}"
VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" TextWrapping="Wrap" />
<TextBlock Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Text="{x:Bind Seasons}" Foreground="{StaticResource Light}"
VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="2" Foreground="{StaticResource Light}"
Text="{x:Bind LastWatchedDate, Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource DateTimeFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='{}{0:dd/MM/yyy HH\\\\:mm}'}"
VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="3" Text="{Binding LastWatchedEpisodeRef}" Foreground="{StaticResource Light}"
VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>