I want to add high res images in my iOS4 app. I already read this http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/iphone/conceptual/iphoneosprogrammingguide/SupportingResolutionIndependence/SupportingResolutionIndependence.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH10-SW2 and a lot of other pages but I did not find the answer which ppi my image should have.
Currently, I have an image for example button.png with 160ppi and 50x30px. Now I want to create a high res image named [email protected]. Is it correct to use 326ppi and 100x60px?
I already had a look at other iOS open source apps but each app did it on a different way. Most apps used 72ppi for normal and high res. What is correct?
Thanks for your answers