
I am doing API load testing by sending 250 requests at once.

1. Configuration

enter image description here

Naturally, server takes longer to respond when a lot of users requests it simultaneously, this is what it says here.. As per http://jmeter-plugins.org/wiki/ResponseTimesVsThreads/. However when testing this is what I found..

2. Test

enter image description here

The plot above starts from right to left and as the number of active threads decrease, the response time increases.

Is active threads same as number of user requests, if so why this is happening on a consistent basis?

Update-1 Ran another test and increased the ramp-up period this time

  1. No of threads: 200
  2. Ramp-Up Period: 200 secs
  3. Loop Count: 200

enter image description here

hi, any feedback on answer ? thxUBIK LOAD PACK

1 Answers


There are at least 2 possible explanations:

  • you don't have a problem, and your improvement in response times comes from caching effect related to your data being in cache after some time. Only you can validate as we don't know if you are using a large enough dataset and how long is your test lasting

  • you have a problem, your server is rejecting connections under load, so you have very rapid failed responses that have a very good response time. To know if it's your problem, check the response code over time or transactions over time as long as error percentage