
I tested my local website using Nginx with PHP-FPM currently by using Apache JMeter. I try to do simple concurrent load testing on it.

Here is my test plan configuration, with 3 thread groups:-
Number of threads: 10, 50, 100
Ramp-up period: 0
Loop count: 1
In the test plan itself, I have 5 different pages represent 5 HTTP requests.

But then when I used 100 threads, the throughput (request/sec) is increased than when using 50 threads. I have run this many times, the result still same.

What is really happening here? I'm still amateur about JMeter. Your help would be appreciated.


1 Answers


Possibility of increase in throughput on increasing the load is generally:

  • Increased error rate, more errors will increase the throughput.

hope this will help.