I am new to action script. I tried to create an endless scrolling background that goes from up to down the stage, vertically of course. I tried to do it with creating a movie clip, putting the image in a movie clip and applying some code, it worked like a charm, but i noticed some leaks. Therefore i tried another method i found on the stack committee, which suggested using the newBitmapData method. The question i found consisted that a background will move from left to right, i tried it, it was perfect.
I tried to comprehend all the variables and factors in it in order to change it and make it scroll from top to bottom, but i get stuck every time with a weird behavior from the flash file. I am sure i am doing something wrong. I would really appreciate the help.. i am eager to learn.
THis is is stack source committee link i got the answer from :
The link and the answer
Here is the same code that i am trying to implement, copied from the link :
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.Point;
public class EndlessBG extends MovieClip{
//this one stays stationary, we're getting the pixels for the right side of the pic from here
private var _source:BitmapData;
//this is the one moving to the left (the pixels for the right side are not visible except for once a cycle);
private var _movingPixels:BitmapData;
private var _canvas:Bitmap;
private var _xOffset:int = 0;
private var _rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle();;
private var _point:Point = new Point();
public function EndlessBG() {
_source = new BathroomStillLife();
_canvas = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(_source.width, _source.height));
_canvas.x = stage.stageWidth/2 - _canvas.width/2;
_canvas.y = 5;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop);
_movingPixels = new BitmapData(_source.width, _source.height);
_movingPixels.copyPixels(_source, _rect, _point);
//turn this on to watch red pixels be drawn where the source pixels are coming in
//_source = new BitmapData(_source.width, _source.height, false, 0xFF0000);
private function gameLoop(e:Event):void {
_xOffset--;//where the background is moving to
if (_xOffset < -_source.width) {
_xOffset = 0;
//this doesn't seem to work correctly:
//_movingPixels.scroll(_source.width, 0);
_movingPixels = new BitmapData(_source.width, _source.height);
_movingPixels.copyPixels(_source, _rect, _point);
_movingPixels.scroll(-1, 0);
//draw the moved part of the canvas
_canvas.bitmapData.copyPixels(_movingPixels, _rect, _point);
//If we stop here, we get a smear to the right
//so, get the remaining pixels directly from the source
//1) reset our rect and point to be to the right side
_rect.x = 0;
_rect.width = -_xOffset;
_point.x = _source.width + _xOffset;
//2) copy from the source
_canvas.bitmapData.copyPixels(_source, _rect, _point);
private function setGeometryDefaults():void {
_rect.width = _source.width;
_rect.height = _source.height;
_point.x = 0;
_point.y = 0;
I really Appreciate the help...eager to learn.