I got a problem with AS3 and AIR. I'm working on a side-scrolling game for smartphones with a plane and I use different backgrounds as layers.
Before all other: I use GPU and only bitmaps, quality is set to low. So Performance settings are all set for smartphone use.
I putted them into a rectangle using the drawing API and move the background with a matrix:
protected var scrollingBitmap:BitmapData;
protected var canvas:Graphics;
protected var matrix:Matrix;
public function move(dx:Number, dy:Number):void {
matrix.translate(dx, dy);
if(dx != 0) matrix.tx %= scrollingBitmap.width;
if(dy != 0) matrix.ty %= scrollingBitmap.height;
protected function drawCanvas():void {
canvas.beginBitmapFill(scrollingBitmap, matrix, true, true);
canvas.drawRect(0, -scrollingBitmap.height, 1404, scrollingBitmap.height);
Take a look at this: http://plasticsturgeon.com/2010/06/infinite-scrolling-bitmap-backgrounds-in-as3/
I used this to create my backgrounds.
With this I can simulate that my plane is flying to the right without moving the whole background and I can use a small single graphic which repeats every time (for the foreground layer).
For the background layer I use this method, too, but with a much larger graphic and I move it only with less the speed of my plane to simulate a far background.
My move-method is on an enterframe event. So I can update the background every frame with the "movement" of my plane.
The plane can exceed the height of the bitmaps. Everytime the bitmap comes back into the window/screen a real long lag occurs. And when the plane flies very fast, the game start to lag, too.
My first approach was to use .PNG files (but they are very big: 1-3MB size). My next approach was to use .GIF files (much less size).
With both it's the same. So it can't be that.
I read about draw() and copyPixels() but I don't know, how I can use those to repeat the image.
protected var scrollingBitmap:BitmapData;
protected var canvas:Bitmap;
protected function init(e:Event):void {
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
canvas = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(1404, scrollingBitmap.height, true), "auto", true);
public function move(dx:Number, dy:Number):void {
if(dx != 0) dx %= scrollingBitmap.width;
if(dy != 0) dy %= scrollingBitmap.height;
drawCanvas(dx, dy);
protected function drawCanvas(xPos:Number = 0, yPos:Number = 0):void {
canvas.bitmapData.copyPixels(scrollingBitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1404, scrollingBitmap.height), new Point(xPos, yPos), scrollingBitmap);