
In MATLAB, I wish to define an anonymous function which has a definite sum in it, and another anonymous function in that. Here's a MWE which hopefully describes what I am trying to do:

clear; n=1; syms j; a=0; b=sqrt(0.5);
Finv = @(x) logninv(x,a,b);
fun = @(x) 0.5-symsum(Finv(j*x), j, 1, n+1);

The error returned is:

Error using symfun>validateArgNames (line 211) Second input must be a scalar or vector of unique symbolic variables.

Error in symfun (line 45) y.vars = validateArgNames(inputs);

Error in sym/subsasgn (line 762) C = symfun(B,[inds{:}]);

Error in logninv (line 60) p(p < 0 | 1 < p) = NaN;

Error in @(x)logninv(x,a,b)

Error in @(x)0.5-symsum(Finv(j*x),j,1,n+1)

Error in fsolve (line 217) fuser = feval(funfcn{3},x,varargin{:});

Caused by: Failure in initial user-supplied objective function evaluation. FSOLVE cannot continue.

For this particular choice of Finv I solved it using eval and feval as follows:

clear; n=1; syms j; a=0; b=sqrt(0.5);
Finv = @(x) logninv(x,a,b);
fun = @(x) 0.5-eval(symsum(feval(symengine,'logninv',j*x,a,b), j, 1, n+1));

which produces the answer in this special case because Finv=@(x) logninv(x,a,b), but this defeats the point, which is that I want to be able to define Finv as a univariate function of my choice, not necessarily a predefined MuPAD expression like 'logninv'.

Any advice would be most appreciated.

Is there any reason to use symbolic math? Use sum instead of symsumDaniel
Argh! You are right. This solves it easily: fun = @(x) 0.5-sum(Finv([1:n+1]*x)); Thanks.monkey-dart

1 Answers


Try to force the second variable (i.e., j) as being a symbolic variable with a scalar (numerical) data type. Note in his code, that is only variable is not being initialized.

clear; n=1; syms j integer; a=0; b=sqrt(0.5);

Alternatively, you can check assumptions on each variable. For example,
