It doesn't work because it is being parsed as a FunctionDeclaration
, and the name identifier of function declarations is mandatory.
When you surround it with parentheses it is evaluated as a FunctionExpression
, and function expressions can be named or not.
The grammar of a FunctionDeclaration
looks like this:
function Identifier ( FormalParameterListopt ) { FunctionBody }
And FunctionExpression
function Identifieropt ( FormalParameterListopt ) { FunctionBody }
As you can see the Identifier
(Identifieropt) token in FunctionExpression
is optional, therefore we can have a function expression without a name defined:
(function () {
alert(2 + 2);
Or named function expression:
(function foo() {
alert(2 + 2);
The Parentheses (formally called the Grouping Operator) can surround only expressions, and a function expression is evaluated.
The two grammar productions can be ambiguous, and they can look exactly the same, for example:
function foo () {}
0,function foo () {}
The parser knows if it's a FunctionDeclaration
or a FunctionExpression
, depending on the context where it appears.
In the above example, the second one is an expression because the Comma operator can also handle only expressions.
On the other hand, FunctionDeclaration
s could actually appear only in what's called "Program
" code, meaning code outside in the global scope, and inside the FunctionBody
of other functions.
Functions inside blocks should be avoided, because they can lead an unpredictable behavior, e.g.:
if (true) {
function foo() {
} else {
function foo() {
The above code should actually produce a SyntaxError
, since a Block
can only contain statements (and the ECMAScript Specification doesn't define any function statement), but most implementations are tolerant, and will simply take the second function, the one which alerts 'false!'
The Mozilla implementations -Rhino, SpiderMonkey,- have a different behavior. Their grammar contains a non-standard Function Statement, meaning that the function will be evaluated at run-time, not at parse time, as it happens with FunctionDeclaration
s. In those implementations we will get the first function defined.
Functions can be declared in different ways, compare the following:
1- A function defined with the Function constructor assigned to the variable multiply:
var multiply = new Function("x", "y", "return x * y;");
2- A function declaration of a function named multiply:
function multiply(x, y) {
return x * y;
3- A function expression assigned to the variable multiply:
var multiply = function (x, y) {
return x * y;
4- A named function expression func_name, assigned to the variable multiply:
var multiply = function func_name(x, y) {
return x * y;