I am trying to deploy an application from the central mobileFirst console (IBM MobileFirst 7 with Websphere Liberty) of a server farm consisting of 2 clusters. I have modified server.xml in each server in order to change the port from 9080 to 80.
I have changed the following lines:
!-- Declare the JNDI properties for the Worklight Administration Console. --
<jndiEntry jndiName="worklightconsole/ibm.worklight.admin.endpoint" value='"*://*:*/wladmin"'/>
to this:
<jndiEntry jndiName="worklightconsole/ibm.worklight.admin.endpoint" value='"http://MyServerEndpoint:80/wladmin"'/>
Though, everytime I try to depoly an application from the central worklight console (the console of the load balancer) no application is installed without an error in the worklight console while in the server that tries the deployment I see the following error:
Received status 500 for GET http://MyServerEndpoint:9080/worklig htadmin/management-apis/1.0/runtimes?fullInfo=true
Why does it go for 9080 again since I have changed it? Do I have to change something else that I haven't changed?
NOTE: When I deploy an adapter everything works fine and both servers can see the new adapter.