
I have set up the IBM Worklight in an IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile farm as followsenter image description here

Everything works fine, but the problem is while deploying the .war file of protected console

  1. After configuration, While accessing the IBM HTTP Server(IHSnode/worklight/console) it shows the authentication page

enter image description here

  1. After providing the valid credentials, it shows the authenticated worklight console page but it reveals the IP address of the Worklight Server(liberty server)

enter image description here

In this case, I want to know whether the Worklight server[Worklight node] IP Address is revealed or Worklight server responds to the client[IHS redirects the URL to Worklight server].

Any help in this...

The IP is of the Worklight server or the IBM HTTP server?Raanan Avidor
As far as my understanding it reveals the Worklight server IP.dhineshsundar
@ravidor,dhineshsundar-It is the ip address of the worklight serversureshRamasubbu

2 Answers


I think you need to update the "Host" element in Server.xml of Liberty Profile Server. The DNS host name, used by a client to request a resource. Use '*' for all available network interfaces. By default, its value is "localhost". That's why in client it shows the IP address assigned to that. Please give a try.


Apart from changing the server.xml as PV R suggested below,

In the worklight.properties, change the value of publicWorklightHostname to the URL of the worklight server and while building the application for remote server, put in the hostname of the server not IP Address