We have a REST API implemented as a Cloud Service, that sends telemetry to Application Insights. And we use commands like
- POST /api/groups/GRP_75e0b852-ee21-45fb-b943-13aa465c62da/members.
- POST /api/groups/GRP_75e0b852-ee21-45fb-b943-13aa465c62da/folders/FLD_080af364-ad37-4351-837e-4fb1d5f02e50/discussions
The sections of the command preceded by GRP_ and FLD_ are parameters. This makes looking at the breakdown of requests in Application Insights difficult since those requests show up individually.
I’ve implemented an ITelemetryInitializer that “normalizes” the Context.Operation.Name (and the Request URL) in our requests. But I see that those request are showing up bucketed as “Other Values”.
Is there any way to reset the "bucketing" of the top-level list, or do I need to get a new AppInsights instance?