We have a PII masking requirement and I happen to come across a post here: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/azure/en-US/0b38fd1e-8aa9-45f7-91a7-fd0631ef8bba/dealing-with-pii-or-sensitive-data-captured-by-application-insights?forum=ApplicationInsights
My question is how we do this for API Management (APIM)? As I am not sure how to associate the Custom Telemetry with API Management (as per MICROSOFT APP Insights Team it is not possible to set Custom Cloud Rolename or use Custom Telemetry in APIM).
As right now its all configured thru Azure Portal and no custom telemetry to it, our backend services (API) do use Custom Telemetry but in Azure portal, the PII data is marked as coming from APIM and not the APIs itself. Any help? Can someone help on how we can MASK Such data coming from POST request logged in App Insights from APIM?