
Let I have a list(list1) which consists data frames(df1,df2,..,dfn):

Each data frame consist different number of columns. As an example


where df1:

x       y
----   -----
45     6
65     87
12     90



where df2:

a       b      c
----   ----    ----
23     67      43
71     13      8
2      9       12

I want to unlist list1 as returns df1 and df2


a1     a2
----   -----
45     6
65     87
12     90


b1     b2      b3
----   ----    ----
23     67      43
71     13      8
2      9       12


  • first data frame(df1) will headers as a1,a2,a3.....

  • second data frame(df2) will headers as b1,b2,b3.....

  • third data frame(df3) will headers as c1,c2,c3.....

and goes on.

How can I do that in R? I will be very glad for any help. Thanks a lot.

Why do you not want to keep them in a list? Look at list2env and setNames for what it sounds like you're asking for.A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1
@A Handcart And Mohair, Since I will export each data frame as excel file, I want to unlist them.oercim
You can use lapply instead of creating a lot of objects in your workspace. Anyway, list2env will do what you are calling an "unlist" activity.A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1
As you told, I can use lapply for exporting the elements of list. However I can't rename the column names.oercim
Sure you can. That's why I suggested setNames.A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1

3 Answers


Here's a mockup of what I was describing in the comments. I'm not showing list2env because that seems unnecessary to your end goal.

Sample data:

myList <- replicate(10, data.frame(v1 = 1:2, v2 = 3:4), FALSE)

Renaming columns and writing the data to csv files:

lapply(seq_along(myList), function(x) {
  FileName <- sprintf("%s.csv", letters[x])
  write.csv(setNames(myList[[x]], paste0(letters[x], 1:length(myList[[x]]))), 
            file = FileName, row.names = FALSE)

The result would be 10 csv files, named a.csv, b.csv, and so on, wherein a.csv will have columns named "a1" ... "an".


Here's how you can rename columns for data frames in a list using a loop.

for (i in seq_along(list1)) {
    setNames(list1[[i]], paste0(letters[i], seq_along(list1[[i]])))

Thanks a lot @A Handcraft And Mohair and @Gregor for your time. With suggestions of @A Handcraft And Mohair, my code is as below:

for(i in seq_along(list1))
list2[[i]]<-setNames(list1[[i]], paste(letters[[i]],1:ncol(list1[[i]])))