
I have three data frames and trying to calculate the difference between two data frames (Df2 and Df3) conditioned by data frame 1. As explained in following example I have three data frames, Df1, Df2 and Df3 with common names. In first step, in Df1, I want to compare the values of “standard” column with all three columns, “Das”,”Dss” and ”Tri” probably row wise and where ever any value of these columns, “Das”, “Dss” and “Tri” is higher than the “Standard” in Df1, calculate the difference of same position in Df2 and Df3 and put the difference in a separate column.

    Names   Standard    Das Dss Tri
    Aa  3   3   6   2
    Ab  4   6   4   3
    Ac  2   5   2   4
    Ad  4   3   3   8
    Ae  6   4   5   7
    Af  4   5   7   5
    Ag  2   6   8   2
    Ah  9   7   6   2

    Names   Das Dss Tri
    Aa  4   2   5
    Ab  7   5   4
    Ac  5   7   2
    Ad  6   4   3
    Ae  5   3   5
    Af  3   2   6
    Ag  2   5   4
    Ah  4   6   3


Names   Das Dss Tri
    Aa  5   3   5
    Ab  8   5   4
    Ac  6   7   2
    Ad  6   4   7
    Ae  5   3   8
    Af  4   5   6
    Ag  1   5   4
    Ah  4   6   3

Final Ouput

    Names   Das Dss Tri Difference
    Aa  5   3   5   -1
    Ab  8   5   4   -1
    Ac  6   7   2   -1
    Ad  6   4   7   -4
    Ae  5   3   8   -3
    Af  4   5   6   -4
    Ag  1   5   4   1
    Ah  4   6   3   0
@Arun yes that is true these are the situations in my data. I am trying to figure out for past whole week but I am not able to figure out. You pointed out correctly. I was thinking that "sum" could be used if more than 1 column is greater.Gongon
Looks like you want the first which is greater than Standard.Matthew Lundberg

2 Answers


Here's the script that takes the index of the first biggest value if more than 1 value is found and if no values are found, NA is returned.

df1 <- structure(list(standard = c(3, 4, 2, 4, 6, 4, 2, 9), das = c(3, 
6, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), dss = c(6, 4, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 6), tri = c(2, 
3, 4, 8, 7, 5, 2, 2)), .Names = c("standard", "das", "dss", "tri"
), row.names = c(NA, -8L), class = "data.frame")

df2 <- structure(list(das = c(4, 7, 5, 6, 5, 3, 2, 4), dss = c(2, 
5, 7, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6), tri = c(5,4,2,3,5,6,4,3)), .Names = c("das", "dss", "tri"
), row.names = c(NA, -8L), class = "data.frame")

df3 <- structure(list(das = c(5, 8, 6, 6, 5, 4, 1, 4), dss = c(3, 
     5, 7, 4, 3, 5, 5, 6), tri = c(5,4,2,7,8,6,4,3)), .Names = c("das", "dss", "tri"
 ), row.names = c(NA, -8L), class = "data.frame")

# get indices. run through every row of df1
# and get the maximum column index > standard
idx.v <- sapply( 1:nrow(df1), function(idx) {
    t <- which(df1[idx, 2:4] > df1[idx, 1])

df3$result <- sapply(1:length(idx.v), function(ix) {
    col.idx <- idx.v[[ix]]
    len.idx <- length(col.idx)
    if (len.idx > 0) {
        res <- sum(df2[ix, col.idx] - df3[ix, col.idx])
    } else {
        res <- NA


> df3
  das dss tri result
1   5   3   5     -1
2   8   5   4     -1
3   6   7   2     -1
4   6   4   7     -4
5   5   3   8     -3
6   4   5   6     -4
7   1   5   4      1
8   4   6   3     NA

Thanks for the chat. This is what you require.


I think this is the correct result, but note that the seventh value differs. Using the max value of the three columns (an easier task) produces a result that differs in even more slots.

df1.w <- sapply( seq(1, nrow(df1)), 
                 function(idx) min(c(Inf, which(df1[-(1:2)][idx,] > df1[idx, 2])))

df1.mat <- matrix(c(seq(1, nrow(df1)), df1.w), ncol=2)
df1.mat[is.infinite(df1.mat)] <- 1

ifelse(is.infinite(df1.w), 0, 
       df2[-1][df1.mat] - df3[-1][df1.mat]

## [1] -1 -1 -1 -4 -3 -1  1  0

If you actually do want to use the index of the max value in df1[-(1:2)], replace the definition of df1.w (the sapply call) with this:

df1.w <- apply(df1[-(1:2)], 1, which.max)

Using the rest of the code above then gives this result:

## [1] -1 -1 -1 -4 -3 -3  0  0