I am having a problem to display header tooltip
on angular-ui-grid
Here is plunker demo.
Any idea how to make it work?
I am having a problem to display header tooltip
on angular-ui-grid
Here is plunker demo.
Any idea how to make it work?
I have not been able to figure out how to make the directive work properly internally by setting the headerTooltips as strings. The directive developers are making it work using a different implementation than yours that can be seen in this Plunker.
This solution will patch the problem until a better or more permanent one can be found. Place it at the end of your service call inside of your controller like the following.
$scope.ucitaniUpareniPodaci = true;
$scope.gridOptionsUpareniPodaci.data = upareneStavkeData.grupe;
upareneStavkeTotals = upareneStavkeData.totals;
* Patch for possible bug:
* Description: Setting headerTooltip property
* value as a string doesn't render the value at
* runtime.
//class for the header span element
var headerClass = ".ui-grid-header-cell-primary-focus";
//the column definitions that were set by the developer
var colDefs = $scope.gridOptionsUpareniPodaci.columnDefs;
//Get the NodeList of the headerClass elements.
//It will be an array like structure.
var headers = document.querySelectorAll(headerClass);
//loop through the headers
angular.forEach(headers,function(value,key){//begin forEach
//Set the title atribute of the headerClass element to
//the value of the headerTooltip property set in the columnDefs
//array of objects.
headers[key].title = colDefs[key].headerTooltip;
});//end forEach
/****************END PATCH********************/