I'm building an Ionic app, installed the phonegap push plugin and set up the ionic io push settings with a real google developer api key. I didn't set any certificates or other keys for android in the ionic framework. For IOS I didn't set anything, as the app is still in development and there isn't a Apple Developer Account yet.
Now I was very happy, as I could receive push notifications. Now I found 2 problems with the notification:
1: It's single line, so the text would be "Hey this notification is too lo...". How can I make sure this is multi line?
2: When I press the notification, it doesn't open the app. Is this because it's a debug apk?
Here is the push data I send using the ionic push api:
tokens": tokens,
"profile": profile,
"notification": {
"title": title,
"message": message,
"android": {
"icon": "ic_stat_icon",
"icon_color": "#99004C"
"ios": {
"badge": "1"