My Android app doesn't receive push notifications in the background and it should according to the documentation.
An Android application on an Android device doesn't need to be running to receive messages. The system will wake up the Android application via Intent broadcast when the message arrives, as long as the application is set up with the proper broadcast receiver and permissions.
Trying different notifications discovered that it does receives the push notifications while it is closed if and only if the notifications contains the attribute "message", if not, it just discards it. (Push notifications are just JSON objects).
My notifications contain all kind of attributes including "alert", "id" and "title", but only "message" makes Android to wake up the app.
Example notification that doesn't work:
{ event: 'message',
from: '947957531940',
collapse_key: 'do_not_collapse',
foreground: true,
{ alert: 'Mensaje de Prueba',
title: 'Titulo Mensaje de Prueba' } }
Example notification that works:
{ event: 'message',
from: '947957531940',
message: 'Contenido del mensaje de prueba.',
collapse_key: 'do_not_collapse',
foreground: true,
{ alert: 'Mensaje de Prueba',
title: 'Titulo Mensaje de Prueba',
message: 'Contenido del mensaje de prueba.' } }
Is this an Android standard by design or am I doing something wrong in my app?
My app was developed using Ionic with Cordova.
PD: Excuse my english.
This is the Android push code inside the .run module in app.js, as ng-cordova instructions specify:
if (ionic.Platform.isAndroid()){
var androidConfig = {
"senderID": "94*************",
"ecb": "window.casosPush"
var pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification;
} catch (ex){
// Llamada en caso de exito
var successfn = function(result){
//alert("Success: " + result);
// Llamada en caso de error
var errorfn = function(result){
window.alert("Error: " + result);
// Llamada de casos de notificacion push
window.casosPush = function(notification){
switch (notification.event){
case 'registered':
if (notification.regid.length > 0){
$ = notification.regid;
//alert('registration ID = ' + notification.regid);
case 'message':
$localstorage.setArray('mensajes', $rootScope.mensajes);
case 'error':
alert('GCM error = ' + notification.msg);
alert('An unknown GCM event has occurred');
// Llamada de registro con la plataforma GCM
} catch(notification){