
Helllo guys I'm using the polymorphic relation in laravel. I'm doing somehting like this. I'm making a polymorphic relation between of likes with comment and post. The problem that I'm facing is that when I'm trying to retrieve the likes on the basis of posts or comments it gives me a error which is

Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::$likes

I can't understand what is it that I'm doing wrong. Here is my code. Please tell me what is it that I'm doing wrong

Post Controller

class PostController extends Controller
    public function index($id=null){
    // if (is_null($id) || $id=''){
            $post = $this->dispatch(new ReadPostCommand());
            error_log(print_r($post->likes , true));
            $comment = array();
            foreach ($post as $key => $value) {
                // error_log(print_r($value->))

                $comment[$key] = $this->dispatch(new ReadCommentCommand($value["original"]["id"]));
                // error_log(print_r($comment[$key]->likes , true));
            $id = '';
            $courses = $this->dispatch(new ReadCourseCommand("getAll"));
        // }else{
        //  $course = $this->dispatch(new ReadCourseCommand($id , "getById"));
        //  $post=$course->posts;
        //  $comment = array();
        //  foreach ($post as $key => $value) {
        //      $comment[$key] = $this->dispatch(new ReadCommentCommand($value["original"]["id"]));
        //  }

        // }
        // error_log(print_r($courses , true));
        return \View::make('post.index' , ['posts'=>$post , 'comments'=> $comment , 'courses'=>$courses , 'id'=>$id]);

READ POST Command class


namespace App\Commands;

use App\Commands\Command;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\SelfHandling;
use App\Exceptions\Custom\NotPermissionException;
use App\Exceptions\Custom\NameNotFound;
use App\Repositories\PostRepository;

class ReadPostCommand extends Command implements SelfHandling
     * @var
    // private $action;
    // private $id;

     * Create a new command instance.
     * @param $id
    public function __construct()
        // $id was in the parameter.
        // $this->id = $id;
        // $this->action = $action;

     * Execute the command.
     * @param TestRepository $TestRepository
     * @return
     * @throws NotPermissionException
     * @throws NameNotFound
     * @internal param TestRepository $TestRepository
    public function handle(PostRepository $PostRepository)
        // if($this->action == "getAll"){
            $post = $PostRepository->getAll();
            return $post;
        // }else{
        //     $post = $PostRepository->getAllbyCourse();
        // }

Read Post Repo class


namespace App\Repositories;

use App\PostModel;

class PostRepository
    public function create(PostModel $post)
    public function getAll() {
        return PostModel::get();

    public function getById($id){
        return PostModel::find($id);

Like Model


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class LikeModel extends Model
    public $table = "likes";
    public function likeable()
      return $this->morphTo();

Post Model


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use App\LikeModel;

class PostModel extends Model

    public $table = "posts";

    public function likes()

      return $this->morphMany('App\LikeModel', 'likeable');


Comment Model


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class CommentModel extends Model
    public $table = "comments";

    public function likes()
      return $this->morphMany('App\LikeModel', 'likeable');
too. much. code. TL;DRm02ph3u5

1 Answers


This is your offending code, in your PostController:

$post = $this->dispatch(new ReadPostCommand());
error_log(print_r($post->likes , true));

The issue is that your ReadPostCommand is returning a Collection of Post objects. Since $post is a Collection, when you attempt $post->likes, you get the error you're seeing. The Collection does not have a $likes property. You need to access the $likes property on the individual Post objects, not the Collection.

A few lines down, you iterate your $post collection with a foreach. If you move your error_log into that loop, it should work fine:

foreach ($post as $key => $value) {
    error_log(print_r($value->likes , true));

    // code...