I have a cluster with Hadoop 2.0.0-cdh4.4.0, and I need to run Spark on it with YARN as resource manager. I got following information from http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/building-spark.html#specifying-the-hadoop-version
You can enable the yarn profile and optionally set the yarn.version property if it is different from hadoop.version. Spark only supports YARN versions 2.2.0 and later.
I don't want to upgrade the whole Hadoop package to support YARN version 2.2.0, as my HDFS have massive data and upgrade it will cause too long break of service and be too risky to me.
I think the best choice to me may be use a higher version of YARN than 2.2.0 while keep the version of other parts of my Hadoop unchanged. If it's the way, what steps should I follow to get such a YARN package and to deploy it on my cluster?
Or are there other approach to run Spark on Hadoop 2.0.0-cdh4.4.0 with YARN as resource manager?