I have following Makefile, and I would like to configure it to produce debug build by default and release build by specifying corresponding target.
The problem I am trying to solve right now is following, - project contains unit tests, and I want them to be included in default build, but excluded from release, so I am added release target to Makefile:
FC = ifort
FFLAGS = -c -free -module modules -g3 -warn all -warn nounused
LDFLAGS = -save-temps -dynamiclib
INTERFACES = src/Foundation.f units/UFoundation.f units/Asserts.f units/Report.f
EXCLUDES = $(patsubst %, ! -path './%', $(INTERFACES))
$(shell find . -name '*.f' $(EXCLUDES) | sed 's/^\.\///' | sort)
OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.f, out/%.o, $(SOURCES))
EXECUTABLE = UFoundation
release: SOURCES := $(filter-out units/%.f, $(SOURCES))
release: OBJECTS := $(filter-out units/%.o, $(OBJECTS))
release: EXECUTABLE := 'Foundation.dlyb'
release: $(EXECUTABLE)
@echo 'Linking to $@...'
@$(FC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o out/$@
out/%.o: %.f
@echo 'Compiling $@...'
@mkdir -p modules
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
@$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
@echo "Cleaning..."
@rm -rf modules out $(EXECUTABLE)
Unfortunate, it doesn't help - result of 'make' and 'make release' are the same (make release compiles unit test files as in default). I already looked to similar questions, like How can I configure my makefile for debug and release builds?, but without any success to solve the issue.