I am trying to write a verilog code to do the following 3 tasks:
- If the right button is pressed once, the led will shift to the right continuously
- If the left button is pressed once, the led will shift to the left continuously
- At any time I want to change the direction of the led(for example from right to left), I only need to press the left button once
My code is as follows:
module moveled(input clk, input buttonright, input buttonleft, output [15:0]led);
reg [15:0]led=16'b0000100000000000;
wire slowclk;
wire r;
wire qr;
wire l;
wire ql;
slowclock clk(clk, slowclk);
pulse spR(clk,buttonright,r);
pulse spL(clk,buttonleft,l);
jkff jkR(r,r,clk,qr);
jkff jkL(l,l,clk,ql);
always @(posedge slowclk)
if(qr==1 && ql==0)
else if(qr==0 && ql==1)
The slowclock module is making the led moving to the right/left slower so that it is more observable. The pulse module is there to remove debouncing. The 2 jkff module are t flip flops to toggle qr and ql for the led to move to the right/left continuously. The main problem in my code is in the always block, the code fails when qr=1
and ql=1
. For example, if qr=1
, my led is moving right and I press the left button so that qr=1
and ql=1
, the led stops. When I try to press the left button again to move led to the left, the led will instead move to the right because ql=0
and qr=1
. The sensitivity list in if() must be qr==1 && ql==0
or else the led will move to the right non stop.
As such, this code fails task 3 as stated above. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
) to move to a01
state ie de-asssert ql and assertqr
on a qr press. At present they do not effect each other. – Morgan