I am developing an application using Play Framework 2.4 with Scala. In my application, I want to retrieve menus based on the URL. Therefore, I need to pass either session object (preferably) or a request object to a trait.
I know, how to access session in a controller method or a view template but I need to access session outside controller methods.
My sample code is as below:
trait SomeTrait{
var webID: String
implicit def getMenus(wID: Long): GlobalData = {
val menus = someDao.getActiveMenus(wID)
class Application extends Controller with SomeTrait{
val someForm = Form(
"field1" -> longNumber,
"field2" -> nonEmptyText
def otherDao = new OtherDAO
// ================= this will refresh menus ================
val tempCall = getMenus(request.session.get("wID").getOrElse("-1").toLong) //Here I need to access session variable
// ==========================================================
def someDef = IsAuthenticatedAsync {user => implicit request =>
val wid = request.session.get("wID").getOrElse("-1").toLong //this works perfectly fine
Future.successful(Ok(views.html.some.someView(wid, someForm)))
Like in Play framework 1.2, it seems that it was possible to create session object: www.stackoverflow.com/questions/3654582/object-session-in-playframework https://www.playframework.com/documentation/1.2/api/play/mvc/Scope.Session.html
In fact, you can get hold of Session and request object in Play Framework JAVA apis but somehow, it's not very clear, how to do it in Play Framework Scala?
In case, if it's not possible to get hold of request or session object outside method in controller in Play Framework 2.4 with Scala, can I use Play Cache? Do you see any problem with use of cache in my code? (www.playframework.com/documentation/2.4.x/ScalaCache)
In fact, I am looking at Redis Cache as well (www.redis.io/documentation)
Your help/suggestions will be highly appreciated!
Edit: 5th March 2016
Somehow, I am not very confident of using Cache as I am not sure in multi-user environment, how will it work?
Now, I have come up with new approach which is kind of working but only problem is, it looks like, requests are handled separately and I don't know how to pass request data from Java controller to Scala controller?
package controllers;
import play.*;
import play.mvc.*;
import views.html.*;
public class BaseJavaController extends Controller {
private play.mvc.Http.Request rq = request();
private String w1ID = session("wsID");
protected String getW1ID() { // define getter
return w1ID;
protected void setW1ID(String wid) { // define setter
this.w1ID = wid;
As you can see, I am able to get hold of request and session object in Java controller and with guice injection, I am able to inject Java controller into Scala controller successfully.
But at runtime, it gives an error:
[ProvisionException: Unable to provision, see the following errors:
1) Error injecting constructor, java.lang.RuntimeException: There is no HTTP Context available from here.
at controllers.BaseJavaController.<init>(BaseJavaController.java:8)
while locating controllers.BaseJavaController
for parameter 0 at controllers.Application.<init>(Application.scala:138)
while locating controllers.Application
1 error]
Any help on how to fix this error will be highly appreciated!
val tempCall
scoped within some method? – lyjackal