I have a model for my view.
That model is array of objects:
var arr = { "12345qwery": { prop1: "value", prop2: "value" } } // contains 500 items
And today I am filtering it in the following way:
arr = $filter('filter')(arr, filterTerm); // contains 4 items
And after this line I get nice filtered data but if I run this filter again I don't have 500 items in it but 4.
So to avoid this I store original array in temporary object and when user change filter I first update arr with backup data (it's original 500 items) and do the filtering.
Now I get in trouble as I have multiple filters and I must restore original data before each filter... anyway it is a mess :)
Is there any better (angular) way to make this in javascript filtering?
To explan better what is issue I created plunker:
As you can see I load markers with objects and want to filter it via text field.
But I can't as I always get some errors.
Am I doing anything wrong here?
And to avoid this and implement filter somehow that is why I decided to do it in code and keep original array after each filter, but this is very complex solution and I wan't to make it in a more natural angular way.
I am filtering object in js
code because I can't find a way to filter markers on this directive in a standard angular way.
That is why I filter in code and before filter always make a copy of it.
I need help to filter marker objects on this directive in a standard angular way.
Plunker implement this directive but I don't know how to filter it.
is an object. Using any variation of filter will result in an error like this. – Igor Raush