I am seeking clarification on the question asked here. Serge insas recommends "You should convert your dates in formatted strings when you insert them in your doc in the replace loop. The function to use is Utilities.formatDate."
I want to do what Serge recommends, but I'm having some difficulty implementing it. The script runs great as is, but I can save a lot of time by not having to convert dates to text strings before I paste them into my spreadsheet. It makes far more sense to code the date format I want on my PDFs (d mmmm yyyy). Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
//Creates the custom menu in the spreadsheet "Run Script"
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
.addItem('Create Certs', 'menuItem1')
// .addItem('Change Cell Format', 'menuItem2')
// .addItem('Reset Cell Format', 'menuItem3')
//Runs the menuItem 1 operation (Create Certs)
function menuItem1() {
//Defines the start row and calculates the number of rows to be processed
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var startRow = Browser.inputBox("Enter Start Row");
var endRow = Browser.inputBox("Enter End Row");
var numRows = (endRow - startRow) + 1;
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 7);
var counter =0;
var data = dataRange.getValues();
var templateDoc = DriveApp.getFileById("1baxSUxfSdzcVheR3Y2qgieWeSAqNybPfWct1913uRIc");
var templateCopy = templateDoc.makeCopy();
var templateCopyId = templateCopy.getId();
//Begin Tew's code
var dateOld;
var courseOld;
var fullNameOld;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(templateCopyId);
var body = doc.getActiveSection();
var row = data[i];
var date = row[0]; //like this for testing to get a different value on each pdf
var nic = row[1];
var course = row[2];
var lastname = row[3];
var firstname = row[4];
var middle = row[5]
var email = row[6];
// var docname = lastname+" "+nic+" PME Cert"; //not used in this version
var subjectTxt = "NWC "+ course +" Online PME Course Certificate";
fullBody += "Your " + course + " course completion certificate is attached." + "\n\n";
fullBody += "NOTES:" + "\n";
fullBody += "1. NWC does NOT mail hardcopy certificates." + "\n";
fullBody += "2. NWC does not award certificates for the SNCO JPME course." + "\n\n";
fullBody += "Regards," + "\n\n";
fullBody += "Professor Steve Pierce" + "\n";
fullBody += "U.S. Naval War College "+ "\n";
fullBody += "Online PME Program Team" + "\n\n";
fullBody += "Learn more about NWC's Online PME Program at the link below:" + "\n";
fullBody += "http://www.usnwc.edu/Academics/College-of-Distance-Education/PME-(1).aspx" + "\n";
var row = data[i];
var fullName = firstname+' '+middle+''+lastname
var fdate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(date), "d mmmm yyyy");
if(counter ==0){
body.replaceText('course', course);
body.replaceText('date', fdate);
else {
body.replaceText(courseOld, course);
body.replaceText(dateOld, fdate);
dateOld = fdate;
courseOld = course;
fullNameOld = fullName
counter ++
var attachment = doc.getAs("application/pdf")
MailApp.sendEmail(email, subjectTxt, fullBody, {attachments: attachment});