Good day.
I am writing a tree control with Ext.tree.Panel, which loads its configuration from external .json file, while data is being loaded as .json from the server.
So, I've got the view like this:
Ext.define('App.tree.TreeView', {
extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',
initFilters: function(cfg) {
/*several based on cfg*/
initComponent: function () {
var me = this;
me.cfg = getSomeCfgFromSomewhere();
The store:
Ext.define('Site.widgets.tree.TreeStore', {
extend: '',
proxy: {
type: App.cfg.proxy,
reader: { type: 'json', rootProperty: 'data.children' },
format: App.cfg.proxy.urlEnd,
url: App.cfg.treeRoot,
noCache: false
lazyFill: true,
rootVisible: true,
root: {
full_path: '/', /*set as idProperty in model*/
'display-name': 'root',
expanded: true
The problem is: my root is explicitly set in the store, which loads its contents because of expanded: true. But then only these contents are shown in the tree, without the root itself. When filtering is removed, the tre is loaded OK.
Possible reason: from debugging of Sencha code in ext-all-debug.js: view's initComponent is called before the store starts loading the data, therefore it adds filters before the data is loaded, when the root is still empty, and then calls
onNodeFilter: function(root, childNodes) {
var me = this,
data = me.getData(),
toAdd = [];
if (me.getRootVisible()) {
if (childNodes.length) {
} else {
root.set('visible', false, me._silentOptions);
, i.e. the root is set invisible because it is still empty, and only then root's children are loaded.
The question is: is there an initial design mistake in my filters initialisation, and how can I fix it?