
I have found many examples of tree that have been loaded via root data in store which is static or via tree store that loads data tree view appears, ultimately loading the tree in advance.

My requirement is the tree is initially empty, with no data so I use removeAll on the tree store to achieve it even if the tee is initially loaded.

I am using ExtJs V 5.0.1.

Next on lick of button I load the tree via store.load method.

The tree data kept in json file outputted by php rest service.

The tree loads fine with the button click. The issue is all the collapse or expand event only works ones. That in my case the first element is expanded will collapse once and then wont expand. Similarly for the collapsed child element, wont collapse once expanded.

Adding my code below

Ext.define('TestTheme2.controller.Controller', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',

requires: [

stores: [


config: {
    isGridInspected: false

refs: {
    treeGrid: '#treegrid'

control: {        

        afterrender: 'afterViewRender'



afterViewRender: function(component, eOpts){

onBtnClick: function(){


My view code

Ext.define('TestTheme2.view.MyTreeGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',
alias: 'widget.MyTreeGrid',

requires: [

itemId: 'treegrid',
width: '',
title: '',
allowDeselect: true,
enableColumnHide: false,
rowLines: true,
scroll: 'vertical',
sortableColumns: false,
store: 'MyStore',
rootVisible: false,

viewConfig: {
    itemId: 'mytreeview2',
    enableTextSelection: false,
    markDirty: false,
    stripeRows: true,
    animate: true
columns: [
        xtype: 'checkcolumn',
        itemId: 'mycheck',
        width: 50,
        sortable: false,
        dataIndex: 'mark',
        text: ''
        xtype: 'treecolumn',
        width: 120,
        sortable: false,
        dataIndex: 'year',
        text: 'Year',
        flex: 1
        xtype: 'gridcolumn',
        width: 120,
        sortable: false,
        dataIndex: 'week',
        text: 'Week'
        xtype: 'gridcolumn',
        width: 110,
        sortable: false,
        dataIndex: 'startdate',
        text: 'Start Date'
        xtype: 'gridcolumn',
        width: 110,
        sortable: false,
        dataIndex: 'enddate',
        text: 'End Date'


My Store Code

Ext.define('TestTheme2.store.MyStore', {
extend: 'Ext.data.TreeStore',

requires: [

constructor: function(cfg) {
    var me = this;
    cfg = cfg || {};
        storeId: 'MyStore',
        model: 'TestTheme2.model.MyModel',
        proxy: {
            type: 'ajax',
            url: '../../PhpWS/MockRestFlow?Service=MyService&type=byweek'               
    }, cfg)]);


My Model code

Ext.define('TestTheme2.model.MyModel', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',

requires: [

fields: [        
        name: 'year'
        name: 'week'
        name: 'startdate'
        name: 'enddate'
        name: 'mark'



My Json File

            text: '.',
            children: [
                    year: 2014,
                    week: 33,
                    synergyid: '',
                    startdate: '01/11/2014',
                    enddate: '02/11/2014',
                    mark: false,
                    expanded: true,
                    children: [
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 33,
                            startdate: '03/11/2014',
                            enddate: '04/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 33,
                            startdate: '05/11/2014',
                            enddate: '06/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 33,
                            startdate: '07/11/2014',
                            enddate: '08/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                    year: 2014,
                    week: 34,
                    startdate: '09/11/2014',
                    enddate: '10/11/2014',
                    expanded: false,
                    mark: false,
                    children: [
                            year: '2014',
                            week: 34,
                            startdate: '11/11/2014',
                            enddate: '12/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 34,
                            startdate: '13/11/2014',
                            enddate: '14/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 34,
                            startdate: '15/11/2014',
                            enddate: '16/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                    year: 2014,
                    week: 35,
                    startdate: '17/11/2014',
                    enddate: '18/11/2014',
                    mark: false,
                    expanded: false,
                    children: [
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 35,
                            startdate: '19/11/2014',
                            enddate: '20/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 35,
                            startdate: '21/11/2014',
                            enddate: '22/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 35,
                            startdate: '23/11/2014',
                            enddate: '24/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                    year: 2014,
                    week: 36,
                    startdate: '17/11/2014',
                    enddate: '18/11/2014',
                    mark: false,
                    expanded: false,
                    children: [
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 36,
                            startdate: '19/11/2014',
                            enddate: '20/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 36,
                            startdate: '21/11/2014',
                            enddate: '22/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 36,
                            startdate: '23/11/2014',
                            enddate: '24/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                    year: 2014,
                    week: 37,
                    startdate: '17/11/2014',
                    enddate: '18/11/2014',
                    mark: false,
                    expanded: false,
                    children: [
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 37,
                            startdate: '19/11/2014',
                            enddate: '20/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 37,
                            startdate: '21/11/2014',
                            enddate: '22/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 37,
                            startdate: '23/11/2014',
                            enddate: '24/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                    year: 2014,
                    week: 37,
                    startdate: '17/11/2014',
                    enddate: '18/11/2014',
                    mark: false,
                    expanded: false,
                    children: [
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 37,
                            startdate: '19/11/2014',
                            enddate: '20/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 37,
                            startdate: '21/11/2014',
                            enddate: '22/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true
                            year: 2014,
                            week: 37,
                            startdate: '23/11/2014',
                            enddate: '24/11/2014',
                            mark: false,
                            leaf: true

1 Answers


Instead of removing the store values after render and again loading the store on button click ,could you please try the below once which i came accross in a post,

Just define an empty expanded root with no children initially, and then you can load the store whenever you want:

 Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', {
    model: '...',
    proxy: {
        type: 'ajax',
        reader: {
            type: 'json',
            root: 'data'
    api: {
        read : 'some url'
    folderSort: true,
    rootVisible: false,
    root: {expanded: true, text: "", "data": []} // <- Inline root

After an explicit .load the inline root is overwritten. Hope this helps you.