I have a jenkins standalone job, that uses the MSTest plugin, it publishes the test result (.trx) on the jenkins UI. I want to use this feature of the plugin via the workflow script. How can i achieve this?
At the moment, i am using this batch file, but it need the extra utilities like the "msxls.exe" which doesn't comes with cloudbees jenkins out of the box.
stage name: 'Publish test result', concurrency: 1
bat 'C:\\bin\\msxsl.exe TestResult.trx "C:\\Jenkins\\plugins\\mstest\\WEB-INF\\mstest-to-junit_withOutput.xsl" -o JUnitLikeResultsOutputFile1.xml'
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', allowEmptyResults: true, testResults: 'JUnitLikeResultsOutputFile1.xml'])