I have created a test workflow as below:
node("master") {
ws("/opt/mount1/jenkins/jobs/GoogleFlow/workspace/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}") {
try {
stage name: 'sync', concurrency: 3
echo "before sync"
sh '''touch buildFile
echo "This is from ${BUILD_NUMBER}" >> buildFile
cat buildFile'''
sh "sleep 5"
echo "after sync"
sh "date"
stage name: 'build', concurrency: 1
echo "before build"
sh "date"
sh '''sleep 10
cat buildFile'''
echo "build 1/3"
sh "sleep 5"
echo "build 2/3"
sh '''sleep 5
cat buildFile'''
echo "build 3/3"
sh "date"
stage name: 'test', concurrency: 3
echo "before test"
sh "date"
sh '''sleep 10
cat buildFile'''
sh "date"
stage name: 'delete', concurrency: 1
sh '''pwd
ls -al'''
//sh '''pwd
//ls -al'''
catch (err){
stage 'Send Notification'
mail (to: '[email protected]',
subject: "test",
body: "test");
I am trying to get an email notification using the try-catch. I have referred this blog post, but when it comes to stage to 'send notification' it just sits there hung.
But if i use the old Jenkins job way, i can receive emails. This shows that the SMTP setup is working. Below is the console output, when it hungs
[Pipeline] Allocate node : Start
Running on master in /opt/mount1/jenkins/jobs/GoogleFlow/workspace@4
[Pipeline] node {
[Pipeline] Allocate workspace : Start
Running in /opt/mount1/jenkins/jobs/GoogleFlow/workspace/205
[Pipeline] ws {
[Pipeline] stage: sync
Entering stage sync
[Pipeline] echo
before sync
[Pipeline] sh
[205] Running shell script
+ touch buildFile
+ echo 'This is from 205'
+ cat buildFile
This is from 205
[Pipeline] sh
[205] Running shell script
+ sleep 5
[Pipeline] echo
after sync
[Pipeline] sh
[205] Running shell script
+ date
Tue Feb 2 22:54:52 UTC 2016
[Pipeline] stage: build
Entering stage build
Waiting for builds [204]
Canceled since #206 got here
[Pipeline] stage: Send Notification
Entering stage Send Notification
[Pipeline] mail
Any idea on how to fix?
Jenkins - 1.643 Mailer plugin - 1.11
step? – amuniz