So i work in clr, creating .net dll in visual c++.
I tru such code:
static bool InitFile(System::String^ fileName, System::String^ container)
return enc.InitFile(std::string(fileName), std::string(container));
having encoder that normaly resives std::string. but here the compiler (visual studio) gives me C2664 error if I strip out arguments from std::string and C2440 which is in general the same. VS tells me that it just can not to convert System::String^ into std::string.
So I am sad... what shall I do to turn System::String^ into std::string?
Now with your help I have such code
#include <msclr\marshal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace msclr::interop;
namespace NSSTW
public ref class CFEW
CFEW() {}
static System::String^ echo(System::String^ stringToReturn)
return stringToReturn;
static bool InitFile(System::String^ fileName, System::String^ container)
std::string sys_fileName = marshal_as<std::string>(fileName);;
std::string sys_container = marshal_as<std::string>(container);;
return enc.InitFile(sys_fileName, sys_container);
but when I try to compile it gives me C4996
error C4996: 'msclr::interop::error_reporting_helper<_To_Type,_From_Type>::marshal_as': This conversion is not supported by the library or the header file needed for this conversion is not included. Please refer to the documentation on 'How to: Extend the Marshaling Library' for adding your own marshaling method.
what to do?
. Trymsclr\marshal_cppstd.h
. – Chris Schmich