How to count number of items in EntitySet of MicrosoftGraph, for example 'users' or 'groups'? I tried:$count Returns: lists all users$count Returns: { "error": { "code": "Request_BadRequest", "message": "Unexpected segment Edm.Int32.", } }
Also in Annotations of target "microsoft.graph.directoryObject" which are those EntitySets based on I see that it is Selectable=false, Countable=false ...
Will $skip be ever available on 'users' or other toplevel EntitySet items ($skip=5 ) ? It is available on other items ($skip=5 ). I know about $skipToken, but it is not the same.
Can I find somewhere in the $metadata if property is sortable? For example user.displayName is sortable, but user.mail or user.givenName are not. This would be handy in the $metadata. Is there plan to introduce this into $metadata?
OrderBy DESC in this formula$orderBy=displayName%20desc is ignored, it shows items ordered ASC, am I doing something wrong?