
As a first step I am trying to get the details of a plan in my Planner. I have followed the instructions in the post nelow but I am still a bit stuck.


That seems to work, I can retrieve all my groups and even create a new group. So for example https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/groups?$orderby=displayName works just fine. My problems start when I am trying to get the details of a plan,

https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/planner/plans/{plan-id} works in Graph Explorer but fails in my flow with "Unauthorized" as the error. I am aware I can use the existing flow connector for this but my final objective is to create checklist items which are not yet supported. My understanding is that I need a second token somehow, is that doable with flow?

According to this post lazyadmin.nl/it/using-microsoft-graph-api-with-powershell, I will have to pass an authcode apart from access token, I guess the question is that doable without a login prompt in flow or an azure function?user3202981

1 Answers


The Planner APIs do not support Application permissions, only Delegated. Since Flow runs headless, it isn't possible to work with Planner from Flow.