
I'm trying to plot a bar style "factorplot" for some data, then plot a regular point style "factorplot" for my fit of that data on top of it. So for the data plot I can simply do :


And for the model plot I can simply do :


The problem is that if I then do :


I get 2 separate figures instead of just one. Is there any simple way to tell seaborn to just plot them on the same graph ?

Not sure it is the solution bug if you do g = sns.factorplot(x='x',y='yData',data=dataFrame,kind='bar'), then g will be a FacetGrid, maybe you can use these axes (g.ax) for the next factorplot ?mgc
@mgc I don't think that's possible for a factor plotticster
@mwaskom This certainly enlightens me somewhat as to what's going on, I guess I'll try to go from there and find my own solution, perhaps ditching factorplot for an "axes-level" fucntion, but I'll keep the question up in case someone has something else in mind.ticster
You might be lucky to get any other ideas - mwaskom is, I believe, the author and maintainer of seaborn...J Richard Snape

1 Answers


As mentioned in the comments, this answer explains the basic architecture that accounts for why you see that behavior (two different figures), but it's possible to give a more specific answer to your question:

The tutorial explains that factorplot is mostly a convenience function that combines FacetGrid with a number of Axes-level functions for drawing categorical plots that share an API. Since you aren't using the faceting options of factorplot, all you need to do is replace sns.factorplot(..., kind="bar") with sns.barplot(...) and sns.factorplot(..., kind="point") with sns.pointplot(...).