
It seems that the YouTube API doesn't give updated results for mostPopular videos in my country since few days.

Example: This request (https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet,contentDetails&chart=mostpopular&regionCode=FR) doesn't give me the same videos results than the ones displayed directly on YouTube for the French most popular channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmzy72gDEpfXoFV9Xdtd0DQ). It seems that the results of this request is not updated since the 1th of february. Results was real time updated before this.

Does someone know if something is wrong with my API request, or if there are some issues with the YouTube API at this moment?

I am not getting results back from after February 01, 2016 regardless of regionCode and videoCategoryId being passed in. All of the ones I've tried have this same problem. @google You tell us explicitly to come here for help (developers.google.com/youtube/v3/support) - that your engineers monitor the very tags present on this issue, yet you have no response at all. What gives, oh overlords of the internet?!?Darren Hicks

3 Answers


There is nothing wrong with your request. This is a known issue with the YouTube API reported here for Saudi Arabia (but also applicable to multiple regions), and another related issue here with regard to content from France.

Your best bet would be to follow up with the YouTube team on one of those defects, or potentially (and dangerously) scrape the YouTube site for the correct results.


Problem seems to be solved since 13th of february (maybe someone from Google have seen my post..)


YouTube Channels and chart=mostPopular parameter data are separate data entities, aka you will get different results. They may be related but there is no guarantee you will get the same data. To get the data that you want you may need to query for channel itself and its videos.

I got this information from the thread @Jal linked, there was an update by [email protected] a few days ago:

The most popular channel for Saudia Arabia and the mostPopular chart parameter in the video.list call are separate and distinct entities. If you'd like to get the content of the most popular channel for Saudia Arabia please use the Data API video.list call to list the videos with the channel ID (in this case "UCWY-_j1MCth6yf24m58Bh_Q") by setting the items/snippet/channelId parameter.

My current concern right now is that there is supposedly a way to get video information from the videos.list endpoint using a channelId, which does not seem the case in the API Explorer. I will update my answer once I figure out what this person meant exactly.