API calls https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videoCategories?part=snippet®ionCode=US&key=API_KEY can retrieve a list of available videoCategory for certain country.
For example, videoCategory id 43:
However, when i retrieve video by this videoCategory id 43, for example https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet%2C+contentDetails&chart=mostPopular®ionCode=MY&videoCategoryId=43&key=API_KEY, i get error instead:
At the first glance, i thought it was due to assignable is false, but it's not the case, because some videoCategoryId which was assignable=false can retrieve videos too.
videoCategoryId id 30, assignable is false:
videoCategoryId 30 have no problem to get videos:
Search API is ok(some categories return only ~2 videos), for example this API calls, https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=id%2Csnippet&maxResults=20&order=relevance&videoCategoryId=43&type=video&key=API_KEY:
I'm not sure it's bug or not. Because it's possible videoCategory id 43 is not under mostPopular chart and lead to this error. But how is it possible to detect and filter it out on videoCategories resource API? there's no flag to indicate this category cannot work with video resource API.