
I have a strange problem with OpenERP7.

I try to explain it:

I'm developing a new module where I have to create at least 5 group of users.

In this case in Settings / Users / Users / ADMINISTRATOR / Access Rights.

I find the category group MyModule, but with check-box not in application section with a drop-down menu.

This problem is not issued if the user groups are only 2.

Can someone put me on the right way?

Have you tried with following answer? It is also advisable to share feedback of any answer.Bhavesh Odedra

1 Answers


If you want to show your security under with drop-down option than you need to use below information/code.

You need to create one .xml file which will represent the information of security name and it's options for example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <data noupdate="0">
        <record model="ir.module.category" id="module_category_name_test">
            <field name="name">Your Application Name</field> 
            <field name="sequence">7</field>

        <record id="group_name_test_user" model="res.groups">
            <field name="name">Application User name</field>
            <field name="category_id" ref="module_category_name_test"/>
            <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('base.group_user'))]"/>

        <record id="group_name_test_manager" model="res.groups">
            <field name="name">Application Manager name</field>
            <field name="category_id" ref="module_category_name_test"/>
            <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('group_name_test_user'))]"/>
            <field name="users" eval="[(4, ref('base.user_root'))]"/>

        <record id="group_name_n_number_option" model="res.groups">
            <field name="name">Application N number of Users</field>
            <field name="category_id" ref="module_category_name_test"/>
            <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('group_name_test_user'))]"/>
            <field name="users" eval="[(4, ref('base.user_root'))]"/>


Don't forget to give read, write, create and delete access right to the new model/object/class of your application.