I'm working with odoo 10 on windows. I've created a new custom module now I want to add some menus of my costum modules to certains users.
I'm new to odoo so my question is can I do that by creating group, associate the menus to my group then add the users to the group (I trid that but it did not work, when I log in with the user I find nothing). I've search on the web and I found that I need to creat my groups trough ir.model.access.csv (security folder) with this : id,name,model_id:id,group_id:id,perm_read,perm_write,perm_create,perm_unlink access_testmod_test,access_testmod_test,model_testmod_test,,1,1,1,1. Unfourtunately, I did not quite understand how can I do that and what should I write in some fields. So can someone please give me a good tutorial that I can use, with examples, witch shows me how to create diffrents groups and adde users to it and add also some of the menus of my custom module to it.
Thank you.