
So I have recently setup automated deployment for my WebAPI that also has FIVE webjobs.

But the problem is that I deploy the web jobs as FIVE distinct build steps within the VSO build definition and after the deployment is successful I don't have FIVE webjobs deployed. I only have ONE webjob deployed, the last one.

This makes me think that when doing the Azure Web App Deployment Build Step, everything is getting erased before the zip package is deployed.


Does anybody know how can I make it so that deploying the web job does NOT erase the previous web jobs (that are in different folders anyway)?

You can check kudu for web job deploying.Erkan Demirel
That depends on what technique you are using to deploy the WebJobs. If you are using WebDeploy, and you set it to delete unknown files at destination, then it would behave that way.David Ebbo

1 Answers


I figured it out. Apparently there is a "Do not delete" flag on the Azure Deployment step. Checking this and making sure you SAVE (this is still a little awkward in VSO) solves this problem.